After the first EUROPA POSTMEDIAEVALIS conference in 2018 and the first published proceedings, we were more experienced and more hungry for new pieces of knowledge. The second conference of EUROPA POSTMEDIAEVALIS in 2020 should have satisfied these needs. Unfortunately, we were forced to cancel the conference because of the growing number of people infected by the coronavirus and the border closures. The third conference took place in Coimbra, Portugal in cooperation with our Portuguese colleagues. The fourth conference was held in April 2024 and took place in Warsaw, Poland. 

Important deadlines 

October 31, 2023 - last day to submit abstracts

November 30, 2023 - confirmation of abstracts acceptance

March 31, 2024 - last day to sign for attendees (participants without contribution or poster) and last day for payment of the conference fee*

April 23–25, 2024 - EUROPA POSTMEDIAEVALIS 2022 conference, Warsaw

June 30, 2024 - last day for final paper versions to be sent by authors if papers are to be included in the EUROPA POSTMEDIAEVALIS 2022 Proceedings